Relative Clauses
Most relative clauses have a wh-moved phrase (containing the relative pronoun, or wo if the antecedent is a place) in Spec-CP, null C, and a trace in IP-SUB.
Because main clauses may begin with a demonstrative like der (homophonous with relative der), clauses can be ambiguous between a main and a relative clause. We tag a clause beginning with der as relative, even if followed by V2, as long as its purpose seems to be to elaborate on an NP, rather than introducing a new proposition. This is to prevent potential V2 relative clauses from being overlooked in a query.
CP-REL is an attributive relative clause, and thus it (or its trace) should be sister of the N that it modifies:
(MDP^2^PL moegent)
(ADVP (ADV doch))
(ADVP (ADV jetzunt))
(ADVP (ADV wol))
(NP-OB1 (ONE eynen)
(Q andern) <- RC modifies this NP
(CP-REL *ICH*-1))
(VB finden)
(, /)
(CP-REL-SPE-1 <- RC extraposed from its NP
(WNP-2 (D der)) <- rel. pronoun
(C 0)
(IP-SUB-SPE (NP-SBJ *T*-2) <- trace of pron.
(NP-OB1 (D diß))
(VBPS^3^SG volbring)))
(, /)
(ID 1533_Rodler_Fierrabras_Moselfrk.,92))
Unlike in HeliPaD (but as in CHLG), relative clauses with wo/da that modify a place are always CP-REL:
... (NP (ONE^A^SG einen)
(N^A^SG kirchoff)
(CP-REL (WADVP-1 (ADV da)) <- locative adv. is wh-moved
(C 0)
(IP-SUB (ADVP *T*-1)
(NP-SBJ (Q^N^SG manig)
(ADJ^N^SG biederbe)
(N^N^SG Ritter)
(RRC (VBN begraben)))
(VBDI^3^SG lag)))))))
(, .))
(ID 1430_NN_Karrenritter_SRhFrk.,463))
Prepositional adverbs can also introduce relative clauses (as a wh-moved WPP, if intact like darin/worin). For cases when the adverbial part of the da/wo-compound strands the prepositional part, we follow CHLG:
( (IP-MAT (PP (P VMb)
(NP (D den)
(N Flecken)
(CP-REL *ICH*-1))
(ADV her)
(CP-REL-1 (WADVP-2 (ADV da)) <- adv. part moved out of PP
(C 0)
(IP-SUB (NP-SBJ (PRO wir))
(PP (ADVP *T*-2)
(P inne)) <- P-stranding
(VBN belegert)
(BEDI^1^PL waren))))
(ID 1557_Staden_Historia_Hesse.,179))
ENHG additionally has relative clauses introduced by a complementizer/particle; this can be so, non-locative da or wo, or even dass. Here, so/da/wo/dass is in C and there is a null wh-operator, coindexed with the trace of the relativized argument:
(NP-SBJ (NP-POS (D Des) (N Kueniges))
(N^PL Schiffe) <- antecedent N
(CP-REL-SPE (WNP-SBJ-1 0) <- null wh-operator
(C so) <- relative particle
(IP-SUB-SPE (NP-SBJ *T*-1) <- relativized arg.
(PP (P in)
(NP (NPR Jndiam)))
(VBDI^3^PL fueren))))
(, /)
(BEDS^3^PL weren)
(ID 1557_Staden_Historia_Hesse.,106))
... (PP (P pys)
(NP (D^D^SG der)
(N^D^SG zeit)
(C das)
(NP-SBJ *pro*)
(ADVP (ADV warlich))
(BEPI^1^SG pin)
(VBN erinnert)
(NP-OB1 (PRO$^G^SG seiner)
(N^G^SG vntrew))))))
(ID 1475_Fuetrer_BairischeChronik_Bavaria.,536))
CP-FRL is a free relative, functioning as an argument (NP) of the clause in which it is embedded. It should be extended with the grammatical function tag of the argument that it represents (the example below is additionally left-dislocated):
(CP-FRL-OB2-LFD <- free rel.; the left-disloc. IO of 'namen'
(WPP-1 (P van) (WNP (WPRO weme))) <- wh-word in moved PP
(C 0)
(IP-SUB (PP *T*-1)
(NP-SBJ (PRO sij))
(ADVP (ADV da))
(NP-OB1 (N gericht))
(HVDI^3^PL hadden)))
(, /)
(NP-OB2-RSP (D deme)) <- resumptive pronoun
(VBDI^3^PL namen)
(NP-SBJ (PRO sij))
(NP-OB1 (Q beyde)
(PRO$ yren)
(N (N wijuen) (CONJ vnd) (N kyndern)))
(ID 1360_Hauwe_NeuesBuch_Cologne.,51))
‘They took both wives and children from those whom they had judgment over’
Note that clauses with wie 'however' can be free relatives with an adverbial function (akin to egal), thus CP-FRL-ADT:
(ADJ (ADJ jung)
(CONJ vnd)
(ADJ frolich)))
(C 0)
(NP-SBJ (PRO er))
(BEDI^3^SG was)))
(RP uber)
(VBDI^3^SG trat)
(NP-SBJ (PRO her))
(ID 1499_ThurErfurt_Chronik_Thuringia.,384))
CP-CAR (clause-adjoined relative) is a non-restrictive relative clause that modifies a proposition/clause rather than a nominal. It is thus a daughter of IP rather than NP. (In NHG these often begin with was. In MHG/ENHG these often start with des even when the trace is not a grammatical function associated with genitive. Clauses like Was X betrifft/angeht/anbelangt are also CP-CAR.)
(C 0)
(IP-SUB (ADVP *T*-1)
(NP-SBJ (NPR Oliuier))
(NP-OB1 (NPR Fierrabras))
(PP (P zu)
(NP (N kampff)))
(VBDI^3^SG forderte)
(, /)
(CP-CAR (WNP-2 (D des)) <- in the IP that it modifies
(C 0)
(IP-SUB (NP-OB2 *T*-2) <- 'widern' takes gen
(NP-SBJ (PRO er))
(NP-OB1-RFL (PRO^REFL sich))
(ADVP (ADV lang))
(VBDI^3^SG widerte)))))
(ID 1533_Johann_Fierrabras_Moselfrk.,97))
‘how Olivier challenged Fierrabras to battle, which he had long refused’