Coordination of clauses
Coordinated main clauses are generally disallowed, as a second-conjunct main clause is normally a new sentence token (although temporarily, this is flagged as IP-MAT-CONJ).
However, if one of the coordinated clauses has elided material other than the subject or direct object (which could be tagged as *con* or *pro*) or a perfect or passive auxiliary (as ENHG frequently has auxiliary-drop; Breitbarth 2004), we tag the full clause as IP-MAT and the one with elided material as IPX-MAT, coindexed with -o and =o respectively. The two are wrapped in an IP-MAT wrapper:
( (IP-MAT <- wrapper shows constituency of 2 conjuncts
(IP-MAT-o <- 1st conjunct is complete
(PP (ADV+P daruon))
(RDDI^3^SG wardt)
(NP-SBJ (NP-POS (D^G^SG des)
(N Heyden))
(N gemuet))
(ADVP (ADV als) (ADV hart) (CP-DEG *ICH*-1))
(PP (P vber) (NP (NPR Oliuiern)))
(VBN erhitzet)
(, /))
(CONJP (CONJ vnd) <- 2nd conjunct housed in ConjP
(IPX-MAT=o <- missing verbs 'wardt erhiztet'
(NP-SBJ (PRO^N^SG er))
(ADVP (ADV hinwider))
(PP (P vber)
(NP (D^A^SG den)
(N Heyden)))
(ID 1533_Rodler_Fierrabras_Rhine.,328))
The same structure is used when mainstream generative grammar would call for coordination of VPs (as VP is not a label in our system):
(NP-SBJ (ONE Ayn) (N man)) <- shared subject
(MDPI^3^SG mach) <- shared modal
(ADVP (ADV da))
(VB kombren))
(CONJP (CONJ vnd) <- 2nd conjunct
(IPX-MAT=o <- IP missing subject & modal
(NEG nyet)
(ADVP (ADV vorder) (PP *ICH*-1))
(VB richten)
(ID 1360_Hauwe_NeuesBuch_Cologne.,85))
The exception is if the complete conjunct is split up by the conjunct with elision. In such cases, rather than treating the the two conjuncts as coordinated, the incomplete conjunct is treated as a parenthetical (with -PRN and =o) inside the complete conjunct (with -o and no wrapper):
(IP-MAT-SPE-o <- the 1st conjunct contains ...
(NP-SBJ-LFD (D^N^SG der)
(FW neruus) …
(NP-SBJ-RSP (D^N^SG der))
(HVPI^3^SG hat)
(IPX-MAT-PRN-SPE=o (CONJ vnd) <- ... the 2nd conjunct
(MDPI^3^SG muoß)
(HV haben))
(NP-OB1 (D^A^SG den)
(ADJS^A^SG sterckesten)
(N^A^SG schmertzenn))
(, /)))
(ID 1497_Cirurgia_Medicine_Alsace.,240))
Subordinate clauses
Coordinated subordinate clauses are IPs if the subordinator is shared, but CPs if there are separate subordinators. Missing subject or object is marked with *con* (subject identical to the first conjunct or its trace) or *pro* (non-identical subject, or other argument). Use IPX only if more than a subject, object, trace (in relatives), or auxiliary is missing.
… (CP-THT (ADVP (ADV Also))
(C dat) <- comp is shared by both IPs
(IP-SUB <- wrapper for conjoined IPs
(IP-SUB (NP-SBJ (ONE eyn) (N bysitzer))
(PP (P zo)
(NP (D dem) (INDPRO andren)))
(VBDI^3^SG sprach))
(CONJP (CONJ vnd) <- 2nd conjunct is in ConjP
(IP-SUB (NP-SBJ *con*) <- subject elided
(VBDI^3^SG warnde)
(ID 1360_Hauwe_NeuesBuch_Cologne.,29))
… (CP-THT <- wrapper for conjoined CP’s
(CP-THT (C 0) <- 1st CP has null C (indirect speech)
(IP-SUB (NP-SBJ (D de) (N gemeynde))
(MDDS^3^SG weulde)
(NP-OB1 (D den) (N toll))
(RP af)
(VB hauen)
(, /)))
(CP-THT (C dat) <- 2nd CP has overt comp
(IP-SUB (NP-SBJ (PRO sij))
(NP-OB1 (D den))
(RP neder)
(VBDI^3^PL leichten)
(ID 1360_Hauwe_NeuesBuch_Cologne.,11))
… ( (CP-REL (WNP-SBJ-1 (D^N^PL die)) <- rel. pron. shared by two conjuncts
(C 0)
(IP-SUB (IP-SUB (NP-SBJ *T*-1) <-1st clause has the trace
(ADVP (ADV do))
(NP-OB1 (NP-POS (D^G^SG des) (N^G^SG kuniges))
(N^A^SG spise))
(VBDI^3^PL ossent))
(IP-SUB (NP-SBJ *con*) <- 2nd clause has null arg
(NP-OB1 (D^G^SG des) (ADJ^G^SG starken) (N^G^SG wines))
(VBDI^3^PL trunkent)))))
(ID 1450_Nabuchodonosor_Rel-sermon_Alsace.,15))
The following example illustrates the use of IPX in a subordinate clause; note that it is IPX because the modal verb is elided (but the elided subject is not marked by *con*, as that would be superfluous in an IPX). The example also contains the correlative weder ... noch; note that the first correlative is a head is within the 1st conjunct, while the 2nd correlative is a phrase containing the 2nd conjunct:
(ADVP (ADV Vort))
(VBPI^1^PL sagen)
(NP-SBJ (PRO wir))
(CP-THT (C dat)
(IP-SUB <- wrapper for coordinated IPs
(IP-SUB-o <- 1st clause is complete
(NP-SBJ (D der)
(N Rait)
(PP (P van) (NP (NPR Coelne)))) ...
(, .)
(CONJ weder) <- 1st part of corr.conj.
(NP-OB1 (N scheffenvrdell))
(NEG nyet)
(VB doin)
(NEG en)
(MDPI^3^SG sall))
(CONJP (CONJ noch) <- 2nd conjunction
(IPX-SUB=o <- 2nd clause lacks modal
(NP-OB1 (D dat) (N gerichte) ...)
(PP (P in)
(NP (Q eyngen) (N sachen)))
(, /)
(VB hinderen)))))
(, /)
(ID 1360_Hauwe_NeuesBuch_Cologne.,94))
Sometimes, one should annotate as if the first conjunct has elision and the second is complete:
... (CP-THT-PRP (C vp)
(C dat)
(IP-SUB (IPX-SUB=o <- 1st conjunct missing verbs
(NP-SBJ (D die) (N wassere))
(PP (P mit)
(NP (N vische))))
(IP-SUB-o <- 2nd conj is complete
(NP-SBJ (D die) (N lucht))
(PP (P mit)
(NP (N voegelen)))
(VBN geziert)
(RDDI^3^SG wurde)))))
(, .=_))
(ID 1556_Koelhoff_Chronicle_Cologne.,125))
At other times, it would the subordinator is in the first conjunct and the verb is at the end of the 2nd conjunct. In such cases one should annotated this not as coordinated IPs but as a parenthetical incomplete IP embedded inside a complete one:
... (CP-REL (WNP-OB1-5 (WD welchen))
(C 0)
(IP-SUB-o (NP-OB1 *T*-5) <- complete clause with trace & verb
(NP-SBJ (D die) (N Portugaleser))
(NP-SMC (NPR Don) (NPR Ferdinando))
(, /)
(IPX-SUB-PRN=o <- embedded clause with elision
(NP-SBJ (D die) (N Eynwohner))
(ADVP (ADV aber))
(NP-SMC (FW Mann-Songen)))
(VBN genent)
(HVPI^3^PL haben)))))))
(ID 1624_Schiffarten_Travel_Switzerland.,228))