Other clause-like constituents
Participial constructions
Participials can be treated in a number of ways, but the participle should always keep its VBN or VBG part-of-speech tag:
- if part of the clause's verbal complex (in a perfect, passive, or more rarely progressive construction), make sister of the auxiliary / daughter of IP.
- if attributive to a N and preceding the N, treat as if an adjective: bare VBN/VBNI/VBG/VBGI if a simple attributive participle; in ADJP if modified e.g. by an adverb or if the participle has a separable prefix:
(NP (Pro$ seine) (ADJP (RP nach) (VBNI gelassene)) (N Witwe))
- if attributive to a N and following the N, treat as a reduced relative.
- other participles are likely housed in a PTP. PTPs thus are either absolutives, or modify Ns without being adjacent to N, or are parenthetical as in the following:
(IP-SUB (NP-SBJ *T*-5)
(PP (P zo)
(NP (D^D^PL den) (N^D^PL zijden)))
(VBN geachtet)
(RDDI^3^SG wart)
(PTP (NP-SBJ (ONE^N^SG eyn)) <- parenthetical participial
(PP (P zo)
(NP (D^D^SG deme) (Q^D^SG andren)))
(VBN gerechent))
(NP-OB1 ... (NUM^A^SG CM.) (N^A^SG gulden)))))))
(ID 1360_Hauwe_NeuesBuch_Cologne.,52))
A fragment is a group of two or more constituents that do not form a constituent, or a non-IP root node (see also Helipad for the use of FRAG in restarts). Root FRAG is frequently an NP (e.g. a chapter title), or a sentence token consisting of only a subordinate clause:
( (FRAG (NP (N Auszfart)
(NP-POS (PRO$ meiner)
(ADJ ersten)
(N schifffart)
(PP (P von)
(NP (NPR Lissebona)))
(PP (P auß)
(NP (NPR Portugal)))
(, .))))
(ID 1557_Staden_Historia_Hesse.,116))
( (FRAG (ADVP (ADV Vort))
(CP-THT (C dat)
(IP-SUB (NP-SBJ (D die)
(N Amptlude)
(PP (P in)
(NP (D den) (N geburhuseren))))
(VB richten)
(MDPI^3^PL solen)
(PP (P mit)
(NP (NUM vier) (N geboiden))
(ID 1360_Hauwe_NeuesBuch_Cologne.,97))
On the other hand, a verb-final root node that is not introduced by an obvious subordinator is simply IP-MAT:
( (IP-MAT (PP (ADV+P Darunb))
(NP-SBJ (NPR Philager))
(, /)
(NP-OB1 (D^D^SG dem)
(, /)
(C so)
(IP-SUB (NP-SBJ *T*-1)
(NP-OB1 (PRO^A^SG ynenn))
(VBDI^3^SG fraget) ...
(ADVP (ADV recht))
(VBN geantwort)
(HVPI^3^SG hatt)
(ID 1537_JungeFursten_Politics_Cologne.,10))
Any direct speech that is smaller than a clause (which would be IP-*-SPE) is housed in QTP ('quotation phrase'):
( (IP-MAT (VBDI^3^PL sagten)
(NP-SBJ (PRO^N^PL sie))
(, /)
(QTP (PP (P in) <- the quote is just a PP
(NP (NUM 28.)
(N gradus))))
(, /)
(CP-ADV (C wie)
(IP-SUB (NP-SBJ *pro*)
(ADJP-PRD (ADJ wahr))
(BEPI^3^SG ist)))
(, .))
(ID 1557_Staden_Historia_Hesse.,310))
(NP-SBJ (PRO er)))
(CODE-QR <">)
(CODE <,>)
(IP-MAT-PRN (VBDI^3^SG sprach)
(NP-SBJ (D der)
(N konig))
(ID 1430_NN_Karrenritter_SRhFrk.,90))