ver0_1: An early parsed version of a small number of texts, made available for the purposes of developing this website and demonstrating our initial work. These texts have been downloaded from the ReF, automatically parsed using the Berkeley parser trained on the Corpus of Historical Low German, hand corrected, and post-checked using CorpusSearch revision queries. Many inconsistencies.
ver0_2: Corrected tagging of extracted ACI subjects from NP-SBJ-# to NP-#. Changed indices of IPX from numeric to -o and =o, -oo and =oo, etc.
ver0_3: Changed ID line to include genre. Corrected inconsistencies in early annotations. Changed auch from CONJ to ADV. Introduced EX for expletive es and *exp*for null expletive (to the extent that this could be determined by queries). Changed ADVP within NP or PP to ADV, moved ambiguous ones out of NP/PP. Added the tag INDPRO for niemand/jemand/jedermann/nichts/icht/etwas. Changed temporal/local relatives from CP-ADV to CP-REL. Changed nearly all subordinators of CP-ADV from (W)ADV to C; changed other CP-ADV to CPX-CMP or CP-QUE-SUB. Changed all Frag chapter titles to NP-SBJ or CP-QUE-SUB. Put all (FW etc) into CONJP unless coordinated with a head. Note: some texts from ReF are partially lemmatized (lemmas follow =); we have corrected very little of the lemmatization in these texts.
ver0_4: changed non-initial aber from CONJ to ADVP; corrected all instances of solch to Q; corrected parser version numbers; corrected all illegal tags; changed some ethical/free datives from NP-COM to OB1/OB2; made punctuation tags consistent.
ver0_5: made placement of null elements and punctuation more consistent.
ver0_6: made floated quantifiers consistently QP; made annotation of temporal PPs and NP-TMPs consistent; harmonized treatment of proper nouns; removed traces from raising/control infinitivals, etc.
ver0_7: changed editors' punctuation from META to CODE; ...